Get More Listings Now! | Reeta Casey’s Real Estate Tips

Do you need to be more diligent about prospecting for sellers?

With 27 years of real estate experience in the Orlando market, Reeta Casey shares the key strategies that helped her increase her listing inventory as a real estate agent!

So many of you right now are in markets where inventory is low, so the buyers you\’re working with are having trouble getting the houses they put bids on. This is a sign that you need to change the way you do business.

In order to always have inventory, you have to be diligent about prospecting for sellers!

Starting today, you need to make sure you have a geographic farm of at least 1,000 rooftops. Contact anyone in that farm area who are expired or \”For Sale by Owner\”. You\’ve got to make those contacts, especially expired listings because they want to sell!

Many of our students at The CORE Training also send out letters in areas that are very hot and selling well right now stating, \”I\’ve got buyers and families that want to live in your neighborhood. If you\’re thinking of selling, call me!\” This is proving to be a great source to acquire listings for many of our real estate agents.

It\’s time to turn it up and be diligent for listings all year long!

Reeta Casey is a 27-year real estate veteran and principal real estate coach at The CORE Training, Inc. Get more tips on how to increase your listing inventory at

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