With the holiday season starting, thinking of how to dominate your holiday finances might be a concern. It can be easy to get caught up in spending on gifts for yourself, your family, friends, co-workers, buying decorations, food, etc., but this year we want to make sure you do it the right way and don\’t over-spend! Let\’s get into 3 fundamental tips to help you better plan for and manage your spending this season so you can dominate your holiday finances.
1. Set Your Holiday Budget
Wait, setting a holiday budget? What! We know it can sound crazy at first, but this really is the best way to make sure you go into the season knowing just how much extra money you have to spend this year without going overboard. At The CORE, we love to budget for everything. Holiday spending is definitely something to have a limit on. Once you hit your budget limit, STOP. Do not keep swiping that credit card.
2. Cash is King
What do we mean by this? Taking a limited amount of cash with you when you\’re holiday shopping is always a smart move. Once you\’ve come up with your holiday budget for the season, if you\’re planning on doing your holiday shopping in-person, go to the ATM and get the amount you budgeted for in cash. This way, once you\’re out of cash you know you\’ve hit your budget and that its time to go home. Do NOT go and get more from the ATM. If you\’re planning to online shop, either purchase a visa gift card with that set amount and only spend it on gifts, or set a limit on your card so you won\’t go over it.
3. Do A Personal Budget To Dominate Your Holiday Finances
We love doing monthly personal budgets at the CORE. Tracking every transaction monthly really gives you the opportunity to manage any debt, loans, checks coming in & out, spending, and yes, that extra holiday spending everyone always does.
So how do you do it? Sit down with the members of your household and go over your budget monthly. Be sure to include mortgage or rent, gas money, bills, groceries, spending, and monthly income. Try to save at least 20% of your income monthly if you can. Laying out your personal budget in this way will give you a better idea of how much wiggle room you really have to spend this year so you can remain in control and dominate your holiday finances.
The holidays can be a stressful time as is, but remember to focus on setting a holiday budget, taking cash when shopping in-person, and doing a monthly budget will help ease any financial concerns. We hope you are able to dominate your holiday finances and have a wonderful holiday season that is stress-free and full of love and laughter. For more tips and e-downloads, check out our Free Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Lender Resources.
Who is The CORE Training?
We are a professional Mortgage and Real Estate coaching company that provides mentoring and coaching to mortgage lenders and real estate agents from all over the country. Being in business since 2001, we have developed a 94% success rate with our coaching program. Just last year we created over 220 new millionaires out of our coaching program.
Our Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Lender executive trainers have an average income of $1.3M and $2M in savings. If you are serious about building a great business and career and want to stop losing clients and generating more income, let us show you the recipe to success!
Why Should You Choose The CORE? Kellen went from $65,000 to $120,000! Watch his testimonial below.
Are you ready to grow your business and DOUBLE your income like Kellen? Our Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Lender coaching program was rated in Inman\’s Top 50 Coaches For Your Needs. Schedule a free consultation with a CORE coach to see how we\’ll help you: Get yours scheduled now!